Bhagavad Gita is the life management book and self motivational book. many peoples change there life by reading this book, this is not a religious book anybody, any religion can read for better future. many peoples got success his business from this energetic book, I'm writing a shloka a day so if anybody don't have enough time to read so you can read a shloka a day, Thanks.
बुधवार, 30 दिसंबर 2020
अत्र श्रुराः महेष्वासा भीमार्जुनसमा युधि।
इस सेना में भीम तथा अर्जुन के समान युद्ध करने वाले अनेक वीर धनुर्धर हैं -महारथी युयुधान,विराट तथा द्रुपद।
I'm a husband, fathers of two kids, would like to help people anywhere and believe to spiritualty.
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